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North Dakota is My 50th State

Is North Dakota the 50th state that you are visiting? If so, it's your lucky trip! Whether you are in the #50Under30 Club or it has taken you 80+ years to hit them all, we are happy to have you visit! Please be sure to stop by the Bismarck-Mandan Visitor Information Center at 1600 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, so we can celebrate with you!

Photo of Certificate
Not only will you get this great certificate to commemorate your accomplishment, but you will also get one of our fun Bismarck-Mandan luggage tags and some social media love!

When you come in, just let one of our friendly Travel Counselors know that North Dakota is YOUR 50th state and we'll get you all set-up! See you soon, and have safe travels!

Luggage Tags

50th State