Thomas & Moriarty’s is a craft cocktail bar rooted in the classics. It is named after the father of American Bartending (Jerry Thomas) and the arch-nemesis of the Sherlock Holmes series (Professor James Moriarty). We appeal to cocktail, art, and literature lovers. We’re a nice quiet place for the social anti-social drinker. Ours is a bar where adults can enjoy a properly made Old Fashioned, Manhattan, Sazerac, Old Fashioned, Daiquiri, or Irish Coffee. But make sure you try something off our signature menu (drinks only we do).
We have a full service kitchen and specialize in charcuterie, pot pies, mac & cheese, old school handmade TV Dinners, pickled everything and cookies. Right now we serve food until 11 p.m. on the weekends. You can come in and sit down and enjoy or we are also doing take out. Call us about catering your next event (701) 751-0752.
Check us out Tuesday through Thursday 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 5 p.m. to midnight at 200 W. Main St., Mandan.

Contact Info
200 West Main Street
Mandan, ND 58554